1.カラー(Personal color) 4枚セット
2.骨格(Skeletal type) 4枚セット
3.子ども顔(Baby face) 4枚セット
4.大人顔(Mature face) 4枚セット
Analysis noteの内容を、A4サイズのポスターにしました。
・Analysis noteと併用して使用すると便利です。
A set of four posters on personal colors , face and skeletal types.
- Recommended as a reference for explaining the differences between the four seasons of personal colors ,face and skeletal types. The colors are vibrant, so it's easy for customers to see the differences in colors.
- Put them in a frame or case to make salon interior decor.
- A4 size, so they can be put into a variety of commercially available files and frames.
【仕様 Specification】
size : 297×210mm(A4)