This is a good gift for customers,
This postcard allows you to compare 120 colors across 4 seasons. It can accommodate customers of all color types.
-One card contains the colors of 4 seasons, so customers can easily compare their own seasons with other seasons.
- It can be folded in half, making it convenient to carry around in a business card holder or notebook.
-The back can be printed on with an inkjet printer. Once printed, it becomes an original item for your salon.
・A booklet with information on 4 personal color types, 3 bone structure types, 8 face types, makeup sheets, patterns, lengths, etc. is available here
【仕様 Specification】
Number of colors : 120色(裏面は無地)
Size : 約100×148mm(Post Card)
ご希望の場合は、ご注文時に備考欄にご希望の名入れ内容をご記載ください。ロゴデータがある場合は、ご注文後に[email protected]のアドレスにデータをお送りください。aiデータが一番綺麗に印刷できますが、jpgやpngでもOKです。
【Free name printing for orders of 50 or more】
If you would like to print your name, please write the name you would like in the comments section when placing your order. If you have logo data, please send it to [email protected] after placing your order. AI data prints best, but jpg and png files are also OK.
*Please note that the colours of the logos, etc. are the colours that result from printing and cannot be proofread.