完売しました(Sold out)
If there are many requests to restock, we will produce it again.
A set of 25 different patterns of drapes.
You can receive specific advice on image consulting and bone structure diagnosis.
[Reasons for 30% discount]
- All cut by machine (previously, checkered and striped patterns were cut by hand, which took four times as much work)
- Checkered and striped patterns are slightly slanted due to machine cutting (second photo)
- The drape in the third photo is a drape cut at an angle. If you adjust the angle, you can use it without any problems.
- Not ironed. Therefore, some of the fabric may be wrinkled (if you are concerned, please iron it yourself)
If you purchase commercial fabric from a fabric store and add it, it will become a professional tool for deeper consulting.
【仕様 Specification】
Size : 50cm×30cm
Cut : ピンキング加工 Pinking
【種類 Pattern Type 25】
水玉(小) Small polka dots
水玉(中) Medium polka dots
水玉(大) Large polka dots
ストライプ白黒(細) Thin black and white stripes
ストライプ白黒(中) Medium black and white stripes
チェック白黒(小) Small black and white checks
チェック白黒(中) Medium black and white checks
チェック白黒(大) Large black and white checks
グレンチェック Glen check
千鳥格子 Houndstooth
バーバリーチェック Burberry check
タータンチェック緑 Green tartan check
花柄(小) Small floral
花柄(中) Medium floral
花柄(大) Large floral
ヒョウ柄 Leopard print
ゼブラ柄 Zebra print
迷彩柄 Camouflage print
市松 Checkered pattern
ウィンドウ・ペイン Window pane
アーガイル Argyle
ペイズリー Paisley
幾何学 Geometric
ボタニカル(トロピカル) Botanical (tropical)
ダルメシアン Dalmatian